E-Z-GO Liberty is the Future of Golf Carts

The golf cart industry is booming. Used golf carts are being sold to private parties higher than ever. New golf carts are now created with such advanced technology that the days of the 3-wheel golf cart are long gone. This is also causing the landscape of the golf cart industry to change. You are seeing these golf carts being used as vehicles at campgrounds or in communities more and more. Even outside of that, industrial uses have increased marginally, resulting in more heavy-duty golf carts, if you can even call them that. As the landscape changes, companies compete to be the “next big thing.” Introduce the E-Z-GO Liberty Lithium, the future of golf carts. 

Have a Seat

The first thing that you will notice when you look at an E-Z-GO is the seating orientation. This is a four-passenger golf cart where all four of the seats are facing forward. This gives more of a car feel and a more comfortable ride for your passengers. The top covers all four passengers, so there is no need to purchase an extended top. This golf cart sits higher than your standard fleet or personal golf cart, so terrain will be less of a worry. Headlights and taillights are standard on the E-Z-GO Liberty, which makes it good for usage at night. 

You’ve Got the Power

One of the significant areas of improvement in the golf cart industry is the batteries. The tried and true method of lead-based batteries is a thing of the past. Watering batteries and maintaining them yourself often lead to inconsistent battery life and efficiency. A maintenance-free Samsung SDI lithium battery now powers the new system. E-Z-GO has so much trust in their product that it includes an 8-year warranty on them. The batteries maintain a consistent level of performance regardless of their level of charge. 

What Does Zero Maintenance Mean? 

Zero means zero. This isn’t a marketing ploy or some veiled statement. Zero really does mean zero. These batteries are not like lead-acid batteries where there is a build-up of corrosion on the terminals. There is no watering the battery cells anymore. More straightforward winter storage steps allow you to be confident in the performance and lifetime of your golf cart’s batteries. 

All Charged Up

With a robust and powerful battery system, the charging times have to be a long time, right? Absolutely not. This battery charges twice as fast as your standard lead-acid-based batteries. You will be back out and enjoying your time in less time than ever before. You can charge your battery at any time without affecting your battery’s health. If you only have an hour to charge it, then do so without worrying about it. 

Find out more by reaching out to one of our expert sales staff at Lake Erie Golf Cars. Call into the office during regular business hours Monday-Friday 8 a.m until 4 p.m. at 216-763-2090