Golf carts are a great way to get around on a hot summer day. They're fun, convenient, and environmentally friendly. But there are a few things you need to do to keep your golf cart in good condition during the summer months. Practicing a few of these tips can go a long way to preserve the life of your golf car. If you do need service, LEGC has a team of certified technicians who can make sure you are back up and running in no time. 

Here are some tips for caring for your golf cart in the summer:

  • Store your golf cart in a cool, dry place. The heat and humidity of summer can damage your golf cart's batteries, so it's important to store it in a cool, dry place. If you don't have a garage or shed, you can cover your golf cart with a tarp or other protective covering. LEGC has storage covers available if you are interested in one. 
  • Check the battery water level regularly. The heat of summer can cause the water in your golf cart's batteries to evaporate, so it's important to check the water level regularly and add distilled water as needed. Make sure that you fill your batteries after a full charge so you know the highest level it will reach and for you avoid boil over. 
  • Keep the tires inflated properly. Low tire pressure can cause your golf cart to overheat, so it's important to keep the tires inflated properly. Check the tire pressure regularly and inflate the tires to the recommended pressure. Most clubs have a way to fill the tires in our golf car, but if you use yours for off-the-course use, you may want to invest in a small air compressor to assist you. 
  • Wash and wax your golf cart regularly. The sun's ultraviolet rays can damage your golf cart's paint, so it's important to wash and wax your golf cart regularly. This will help to protect the paint and keep your golf cart looking its best. That paint job you wanted and love needs your help to stay that pretty. Yes you want your golf car to work, but don’t you also want it to look good? 
  • Have your golf cart serviced regularly. It's a good idea to have your golf cart serviced regularly by a qualified technician. This will help to ensure that your golf cart is in good working condition and that it will last for many years to come.

By following these tips, you can help to keep your golf cart in good condition and enjoy many years of fun and convenience. If you do ever have the need for a technician, reach out to our Service Department during our normal business hours. Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 pm.